Hair Extensions

A new style anytime you want

100% REMY

Equanimous Hair Extensions add a long, silky, and more luxurious look to your hair without a day to day hassle. The best part is they are 100% Remy Virgin Hair which is less likely to matte/tangle and more likely to stay smooth.

Volume is the new ‘in-thing’ and Equanimous Hair Extensions will satisfy your every need for it.

 THEY WILL NOT ONLY GIVE YOU VOLUME OR COVER YOUR SPLIT ENDS BUT GIVE YOU THAT IRRESISTIBLE LOOK YOU’VE BEEN WANTING.​ Can be installed for volume, length, thinning, partial placement, highlights/ombre, or just for fun!

Powered by Vagaro Salon SoftwareSpa Software & Fitness Software
Multiple textures & colors
Various colors, including custom

Keratin Bonds

Equanimous Hair Extensions contain a u-tip keratin bond. Keratin Bonds allow the hair to be applied in single strands, each made up of about 50 hairs and allow the natural hair to breathe without any harsh glues creating a non-damaging removal process. These individual strands give 360-degree movement allowing the hair to go up, down, and all around without pulling on the natural hair.

Powered by Vagaro Salon SoftwareSpa Software & Fitness Software

Free Consultation

You are just a phone call away from getting your free consultation!

Powered by Vagaro Salon SoftwareSpa Software & Fitness Software

3D Lashes

We offer multidimensional lashes that will transform your face to give you a glamorous or natural look.

Haircut +Color

No matter the journey your hair has been on, we can always get you on the journey you want it to be on now.

Powered by Vagaro Salon SoftwareSpa Software & Fitness Software

Get in Touch

For promotional and business collaborations, or for any personal questions, send us a message below or give us a phone call at 480-251-4183. We look forward to hearing from you!

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